A young MBA graduate from the City of Pubs is thrown into the well-planned but sweaty City of Steel. No companions, no pubs, no real shopping malls, no...(many things), just one notable movie theatre, but with lots of sweat and lots of spirit, this IFB salesman sets out to explore the steel city that was so strategically and carefully chosen by Jamshedji Nausherwanji Tata near the picturesque sangam of Subarnarekha and Kharkai river. For those geographically weaker readers, Jamshedpur is located on the Chotta Nagpur Plateau which was mentioned in our geography text books. Mention must be made of the beautiful Dalma Hills which surround the city. Far away from the pub and multiplex culture, he discovers himself all over again in his loneliness and quietude. And yes, he feels - 'In the city of steel, there are lots of steel but no hearts to steel.'
The blog is an account of his dedicated views on IFB products (which he sells) and Jamshedpur.
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